
2018年10月29日 星期一

第二屆 亞太靜脈 / 動脈高峰會 (APVS / APAS) 開放報名!


Asia Pacific Vein Summit/Asia Pacific Aortic Summit

  is an advanced multidisciplinary, educational course covering lower limb venous interventions and management, including acute and chronic obstructive venous disease and also reflux venous disease. Besides, the course also covers advanced, pioneer aortic intervention and hybrid surgery round table discussion among experts in Asia from China , Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong.

  The course is practice oriented, with special emphasis on diagnosis modality, intervention and surgical techniques and inter- disciplinary discussion.

  As the director of APVS/APAS and director of Surgery Department of Tainan An-nan Municipal hospital, I am honored to collaborate with Taiwanese Society of Phlebology to invite faculty selected from all over Asia and Taiwan who were well known for their expertise in the field of venous and aortic intervention including cardiovascular surgeon, intervention radiologist and cardiologist. I am also excited about speaker from Germany who will share his experience regarding the latest venous stents launched in Europe.

  During the course, there will also be hands-on session focusing on tips and tricks of lower limb venous echo mapping, manipulation of various pharmaco- mechanical thrombectomy devices, principal and practice of venous stenting and also endovenous ablation devices.

  Tainan , is a historical capital city of Taiwan, Formosa island , over 300 years old. Tainan is famous for its passionate culture, tremendous cuisine and nostalgic cityscape. We invite every faculties and participants to explore this beautiful city and enjoy every moment during your stay in Tainan.

  We hope all the participants enjoy the First Asia Pacific Vein Summit/Asia Pacific Aortic Summit and we are looking forward to collaborating and sharing of innovative and break-through ideas and practices among Asia Pacific countries! their Million efforts Thanks and devotions!

again to all the speakers and moderators for

Course Director Jimmy Wei Hwa Tan

學術演講+互動論壇+實戰 workshop 五大特色

  1. 全球首創:針對大動脈治療、靜脈治療最新趨勢、爭議論壇的專屬會議。
  2. 菁英匯聚:匯集台灣、中國、韓國、日本、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、美國,動、靜脈治療精英指導醫師。
  3. 內外兼修:集合外科手術與導管介入的不同觀點。
  4. 深入互動:第一線與領導醫師深入交流臨床治療的爭議點,汲取最實際的收穫與建議!
  5. 實戰演練:五站從基礎到前沿得靜脈疾病治療技術實戰 workshop ,從聽懂到會做!


2018.12.15 (六)8 : 45 am - 17 : 30 pm
(台南香格里拉大飯店 9樓 國際會議廳) 

APAS 亞太主動脈高峰會(Agenda Link) 
2018.12.16 (日)8 : 45 am - 13 : 00 pm
(台南香格里拉大飯店 9樓 國際會議廳)

2017年11月30日 星期四

第一屆亞太動靜脈高峰會 【熱烈報名中!】

學術演講+互動論壇+實戰 workshop 


  1. 全球首創:針對大動脈治療、靜脈治療最新趨勢、爭議論壇的專屬會議。
  2. 菁英匯聚:匯集台灣、中國、韓國、日本、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、美國,動、靜脈治療精英指導醫師。
  3. 內外兼修:集合外科手術與導管介入的不同觀點。
  4. 深入互動:第一線與領導醫師深入交流臨床治療的爭議點,汲取最實際的收穫與建議!
  5. 實戰演練:五站從基礎到前沿得靜脈疾病治療技術實戰 workshop ,從聽懂到會做!


亞太靜脈高峰會 (點我查看大會議程)
2017.12.16 (六)8 : 45 am - 17 : 30 pm
(台南香格里拉大飯店 9樓 國際會議廳) 

亞太主動脈高峰會 (點我查看大會議程)
2017.12.17 (日)8 : 45 am - 13 : 00 pm
(台南市立中國醫藥大學安南醫院 11樓 國際會議廳)